
Editing Tools to Bring Your Content Performance to the Next Level

Janice Kersh January 19, 2017
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The world’s best bloggers and copywriters know a secret that you don’t. They know that editing is the key to spectacular web content. Silver-penned writers can create text that triggers emotions and increases web conversions, but not without a hefty dose of proofreading and editing. The fortunate truth is that modern technology provides content creators with an easier, faster way than ever before to edit their work. Here’s a list of editing tools that will take your content creation up a notch.

These Tools Will Allow You to Write Brilliant Headlines

Headlines are going to be the first element that anyone sees when landing on your page or making a decision to click through a post shared on social media. You need your headlines to be clickable. For articles, blog posts, web pages, and emails, use these tools.

CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer for Web Content, Blogs, and Articles

1 CoSchedule is a content creation scheduler that offers a free tool with immeasurable value. Their headline analyzer tool grades your headlines, on a scale of 1-100, for clickability based on grammar, word balance, and length. Follow this advice for optimum headline clickability:
  • ⦁ Be sure to keep your article headlines less than 9 words in length.
  • ⦁ Use a balance of common, uncommon, emotional, and power words.
  • ⦁ Write listicles for impact and clickability, and keep them between 7 and 9 items for the most impact.
  • ⦁ Use the word “this” at the beginning of your headline to optimize it even more.

AMI’s Emotional Value Analyzer for Web Content

2 The Emotional Value Analyser from AMI will test your headlines of up to 20 characters for emotional value. This is an excellent tool for web marketing, as it gauges which emotional triggers are being used, and in what percentage. A professional copywriter, according to the tool, can generally come up with a headline that provides 30-40% emotional value, where truly gifted writers can sometimes get the headlines into the 50-75% range. Use these tips to appeal to your readers’ emotions:
  • ⦁ Choose an emotion to trigger and research synonyms to use in your headlines.
  • ⦁ Find out which emotions most appeal to your ideal reader before you write.
  • ⦁ When writing to a broad audience, intellectual appeal is the most effective.

Worldata’s Subject Line Rater for Emails

3 The Subject Line Rater from Worldata uses algorithms based on over 3 billion emails sent from their clients. It rates the open-rate optimization of your subject lines based on urgency and the use of personalization. Then, it rates the probability of delivery based on the absence of spam trigger words. Take these ideas into consideration for the highest email open rates:
  • ⦁ Use the reader’s name in your subject line.
  • ⦁ Use the word “now” or “today” to create urgency.
  • ⦁ Keep your subject line to 35 characters or less.

Use These Tools to Optimize Your Grammar and Readability

After reading your headline, readers should be enticed to read your body text. You want that to be easy to read, grammatically correct, and relevant. Use these tools to make sure this is what you’re publishing.

Hemingway Editor for Desktop Writing

4 You can use Hemingway Editor online or download the desktop app for $9.99. It will help you grade your text readability and warn when you should be using another word. Additionally, it detects passive voice to show where you should change the structure of your sentences. Keep your content reader-friendly with these basic grammar tips:

Grammarly for Browser Writing, Including Social Media

5 Grammarly is similar to Hemingway Editor, and provides some of the same services. The difference is that is it an add-on for Chrome. So, you get warnings as you write within the browser. Enhance the functionality of this tool by using it to optimize your social media posts. Please note that the current version of the Grammarly plugin does not work with Google Docs.

Writing Service to Outsource Your Editing

6 Another option is to hire a professional editor from a writing service to do the job for you. If you don’t really trust the tools above and want a human touch, this is the right option. The editor will make sure your text provides value to the customer without being too wordy or too cliche.


These tools will help you write astounding content. Use them when creating web copy, blogs, articles, emails, and social media posts. You’ll be amazed at the improvement in your content creation.

Janice Kersh is a freelance writer and content marketer. She is currently working for the Essay Writer company. Apart from writing, Janice loves digging into sci-fi books and baking cookies. Follow Janice on Twitter.

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